Monday, December 8, 2008

My argument essay was about why there should be a college football playoff system over the current BCS strategy. The majority of my essay was based on logos because I think that is the easiest way to convince people via text.  The essay was mostly based on facts and opinions of prominent members of the sports community. I found that that was the best way to bring my point across through a paper. However, when thinking about the best way to do a visual explanation I have come to the conclusion that it is best if I maximize the pathos portion. I think that it is important to appeal emotionally because the time spent on the visual will be much less than the time spent reading my essay. I feel that during my paper I am attempting to guide the readers’ thoughts through many facts, quotes and statistics while my visual will more just thought provoking. I am going to strive to make something that the reader (see-er?) will think about after the quick glance. My plan as of right now is to create a billboard that will hopefully swing people to my side of the argument. My plan is to have pictures next to each other creating a side by side. On the left side I plan to have a very sterile picture of a computer. On the right side I plan to have picture of two of football players tackling each other. On the top the billboard I plan to have it say, “How should the National Championship be decided?” Under the picture of the computer I plan to have it say “in a lab” and under the football players I plan to have it say “on the field”. Obviously, the computer “Lab” picture represent the current system, the Bowl Champion Series, and the football player “Field” picture represents a playoff system which is something I advocated in my paper. I think this billboard will appeal on an emotional level because many people feel that having a national champion chosen by computers is totally stupid. I tend to agree with them. Why would there just not be a playoff like all the other college and professional sports. While in a billboard I cannot quite convey the facts I used in the paper I think this picture will still get the message across.

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